Wellington City Mayor Celia Wade-Brown announced Council support for the Peace Heritage Walk at the Mahatma Gandhi birthday commemoration held at the Gandhi statue at Wellington’s railway station on 2 October. The event was hosted by the Council and the Wellington Indian Association.
“The Peace Heritage Walk is an asset to the city and includes monuments and sculptures dedicated to peace, including the Hiroshima Peace Flame.
“I’m delighted to announce the Council’s support for the Peace Walk.
Mayor Wade-Brown commended the work of the Buddhist peace group Soka Gakkai International of New Zealand, as a Wellington community group, for assuming the stewardship of the Peace Heritage Walk.
“There is a lot of potential to refresh awareness of the walk as another wonderful attraction for Wellington and to reinforce our support for peace,” she says.
The Peace Heritage Walk is a public walk connecting monuments and sculptures dedicated to peace in Wellington’s inner city. Formerly managed by the Peace Foundation of Wellington, SGINZ assumed management of the Peace Walk in July 2012.